Course Overview
The Search for Man is an instructive course on moral character, Catholic doctrine, and spiritual maturity that uses excellent movies as its primary “textbook”, employing case-study method. Attendees will analyze them in an engaging yet serious atmosphere of thoughtful Christian reflection. The theme for the course is: “What is Christian manliness? What does it take to be a true, Christian man?”
A written rationale with a list of the themes to be discussed and the corresponding film for each is available for parents here.
Please note that some of the movies shown carry an “R” rating for violent images. These are treated in a mature manner—that is, not as gratuitous entertainment, but rather as a tragic reality to be avoided whenever possible. Any portrayal of coarse language and other thematic content will be handled with due seriousness. The same mature approach is expected of any student attending this course.
Each session runs from 12 PM to 3:30 PM and includes a pizza lunch. Seminar dates and movies are listed below.
Fathers are requested to attend the first session, which is a special session for both fathers and sons. The first session will take place from 10 AM to 3:00 PM on Saturday, September 21st and will include a movie, a talk on the goals of the program, and an opportunity to meet the staff.
The program takes place at Garber House, which is located at 1827 Oxford St., Berkeley, CA, 94709. Garber House is dedicated to the academic and character formation of young men. The Christian orientation of its activities is the responsibility of Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church. To learn more about Garber House, click here.
Apply here.
10:00-3:00 PM
The Christian man’s ultimate fulfillment lies in generously serving God, in whatever way God calls. (Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, 24.)
The Truman Show
12:00-3:30 PM
Man is made to seek, find, and live the truth, and to reject falsehood and manipulation.
The Elephant Man
12:00-3:30 PM
All human life is sacred and must be treated with respect and charity.
Children of Heaven
12:00-3:30 PM
A life well lived requires unwavering perseverance in love for family, serving God and others before oneself.
3:10 to Yuma (edited version)
12:00-3:30 PM
Growing in manliness requires seeking the best examples of generous sacrifice demonstrated by strong Christian men.
Big Fish (edited version)
12:00-3:30 PM
Young men often discover, over time, that their own fathers have more virtue than they once perceived.
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
12:00-3:30 PM
True friendship means selflessly wanting what is best for another.
12:00-3:30 PM
True love by its nature begets new life, which is sacred.
Saving Private Ryan
12:00-3:30 PM
One day, we will all face the crucified and risen Christ, and give an account for how hard we’ve tried to live a life worthy of His sacrifice, fulfilling our duty to family, country, and our